List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction
Adverse Reaction
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc
Other Information
Patient Information
Drug Interaction:
Refer Other information
1.Evidence Based Medicine i.Heart Failure ii. Stroke Prevention
2.Facts on Finger Tips i Rheumatic Fever ii.Congestive Heart Failure iii. Migraine
3.Disorders/and or/Adverse Reactions Items 1 to 18
Adverse Reaction:
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Salient Features- (MIMS)
1. Pulmonary and peripheral congestion from insufficient cardiac output
1.More common in older people
Risk Factors
1. Ischemic heart disease, hypertension, valvular heart disease and arrhythmias 2. High output states, such as pregnancy, anaemias, thytotoxicosis 3. Latrogenic -for examples, beta-blockers
Clinical features-
1. Shortness of breath 2. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspepsia and orthopnoea 3. Signs suggesting left ventricular failure include tachycardia, dyspnoea, basal crackles and gallop rhythm 4.Signs suggesting right ventricular failure include raised jugular venous pressure, hepatomegaly and pitting oedema of the ankles
1. Consider blood test- FBC, TFTs and U & Es 2. Chest X-ray may show signs of pulmonary oedema 3. Echocardiogram and ECG
Key Points
1. Echocardiography greatly improves diagnostic accuracy
Other Information:
( Ref- Harrisons - Priniciples of Internal Medicine Ninth Edition )
1.Dysarrhythmias- (1044)
2. Heart Failure ( 1035 )
3. Atrial fibrillation ( 1055 )
4. Atrial flutter ( 1054 )
5 .Hemolytic anemia - ( 270 )
6. Dyspnea ( 1038 )
7. Heart block ( 1059
8. Congenital heart disease ( 1075 )
9. Sick Sinus syndrome ( 1056 )
10. Ventricular Tachycardia ( 1074 )
11. Fluid retention or congestive heart failure- ( 1041 )
12. Exacerbation of Angina- ( 1118 )
13. Cardiomyopathy ( 1141 )
14. Pericarditis ( 1150 )
15. Hypotension ( also arrythmias ) (388 )
16. Hypertension ( 179 )
17. Thromboembolism ( 1182 )
18. Murmur (997)
1.Dysarrhythmias- (1044)
The term dysarrhythmias are not restricted to irregularities to the heartbeat but is applied also to disturbances of rate and of conduction. Certain dysarrhymias are especially likely to occur in the absence of detectable structural disease of the heart. These include sinus arrhythmias, sinus bradycardia and sinus tachycardia, atrial and ventricular premature beats, milder forms of first- degree atrioventricular AV block, paroxymal atrial tachycardia and on occassion atrial fibrillation or fluter.
Adverse reaction - Drugs
1. Sympathomimetics
2. Thyroid hormone
3. Digitalis
4. Quinidine
5. Procainamide
6. Verapramil
7. Atropine
8. Propranolol
9. Guanethidine
10. Emetine
11. Propellants in aerosols
12. Tricyclic antidepressants
13. Phenothiazines, particularly thioridazine
14. Lithium
15. Anticholinesterases
16. Papaverine
17. Daunomycin
18. Adriamycin
19. Lincomycin ( intervenous )
2. Heart Failure ( 1035 )
Heart failure is charaterized by well known symptoms and physical signs.
Heart failure is considered to be pathophysiological state in which an abnormal cardiac function is responsible for the failure of the heart to pump blood at a rate communsurate with the requirement of the metabolizing tissues. Heart failure is frequently but not always caused by a defect in myocardial contraction, and then the term myocardial failure is appropiate,.
3. Atrial fibrillation ( 1055 )
This is a dysrhythmia in which the effective contraction of the atria is abolished and the AV node and the ventricles are bombarded with a very rapid and irregular series of stimuli. Many of these impulses are blocked at the AV node, but many are passed through, so that the ventricular contractions in the untreated patient are usually rapid and irregularly irregular.
4. Atrial flutter ( 1054 )
The dysrhythmia is less common than artial fibrillation. There is a considerable controversy
regarding its mechanism. A reciprocating rhythm or circus current movement is most likely. The atria contracts at a rate of 250 to 350 rates per minute. AV block is almost always present and its ratio is usually even numbered.
Digitalis slows the heart; normal sinus rhythm appear. Digitalis slows the ventricular rate, by
decreasing the degree of AV block, and commonly converts flutter to fibrillation. When the drug is withdrawn , the atrial flutter will frequently revert spontaneosuly to normal sinus rhythm. If this not occur quinidine may be employed to restore sinus rhythm.
5 .Hemolytic anemia - ( 270 )
Hemolytic anemias are encountered much less requently than the anemias due to decreased red cell production. Although they are a diverse group the hemolytic anemias have a number of clinical features common
6. Dyspnea ( 1038 )
Dyspnea or respiratory distress wich occurs as a result of increased effort in breathing, is the most common symptom of heart failure. It is at first observed only during activity , when it may simply represnt an aggrevation of breathlessness whic normally occurs under these circumstances. As heart failure advances however dyspnea appears with preggressively les strenous activity . Ultimately breathlessness is present when the patient is at rest.
7. Heart block ( 1059 )
The term heart block refers to a condition in which a wave of excitation from the atria is delayed pathologically ( or blocked ) at the junctional tisues ( AV node and His bundle ) . The PR interval represents thetime required for the impulse to traverse the atrium, AV node, His bundle,and the bundle braches
8. Congenital heart disease ( 1075 )
Congenital cardiovascular malformations are generally the result of aberrant embroynic development of a normal structure or a failure of such a structure to progress beyond an early stage of embroyonic development. Malformation s appear to result from a complex interaction between multifactorial genetic and environment systems, that does not allow a single specification of etiology, only rarely a causual factor is identifed
9. Sick Sinus syndrome ( 1056 )
The sick sinus syndrome or sinoartial dysfunction generally results from arteriolerotic , hypertensive,or rheumatic heart disease, although it may idiopathic . its manifestations include intermittant sinus arrest, sinus bradycardia, which persists despite excercise , atropine or isoprternol , synoartial block,AV junctional escape rhythm, and ectopic atrial complexes
10. Ventricular Tachycardia ( 1074 )
Ventriculatr tachcardia arises in patients with serious organic heart disease, usually it occurs in the wake of a myocatrdial infarction . The rapid heart action and aberrant activation of the myocardium seriously compromise cardiac function.
11. Fluid retention or congestive heart failure- ( 1041 )
Many of the clinical manifestations of heart failure are secondary to hypervolemia and expansion of the interstitial fliud volume when fluid retension due to heaet failure first becomes clinically enident, consideable expansion of extracellular space has already occured.and heart failure
is already advanced.
Adverse reaction - Drugs ( 388 )
1. Estrogens
2. Steroids
3. Cabenoxaolone
4. Phenylbutazone
5. Indomethicin
6. Propranol
7. Mannitol
8. Diazoxide
12. Exacerbation of Angina- ( 1118 )
Angina pectoris is a clinical syndrome resulting from transcient myocardial ischemia. The patient commonly declines to apply the word - pain- to his chest symptoms, may have difficulty describing the sensation and will usually select words such as heaviness, pressure smothering , tightness,choking, or squeezing. The typical discomfort is substernal in location, but other sites are also commonly involved.
Adverse Reaction- Drugs ( 388 )
1. Vasopressin
2. Oxytocin
3. Ergotamine
4. Methysergide
5. Propranol withdrawal
6. Excessive thyroxin
7. Alpha blockers
8. Hydralazine
13. Cardiomyopathy ( 1141 )
The term cardiomyopathy is used to indicate a disease entry in which the presenting signs and symptoms result in entirely or predomininantly from dysunction of the myocardium. However,myocardial lesions produced by ischemic herat disease , hypertensive cardiovascular disease , valvular heart disease and congenital heart disease are excluded
Adverse Reaction- Drugs ( 388 )
1. Emetine
2. Sympathomimetics
3. Phenothiazines
4. Lithium
5. Sulfonamides
6. Daunorubicin
7. Adriamycin
14. Pericarditis ( 1150 )
Pain, a pericardial friction ryb, electrocardiographic changes, and pericardial effusion with
cardiac tamponade and paradoxic pulse are cardinal manifestations of many forms of pericarditis
Adverse Reaction- Drugs ( 388 )
1. Procainamide
2. Hydralazine
3. Methysergide
4. Emetine
15. Hypotension ( also arrythmias ) (388)
Adverse reaction - Drugs
1. Nitroglycerin
2. Phenothiazine
3. Morphine
4. Diuretics
5. Citrated blood
6. Levodopa
16. Hypertension ( 179)
Patients with elevation of arterial pressure are usually systomatic and blood pressure abnormalilty oftern arouses attention only incidentally during military, life insurance, or other periodic physical examination.Because hypertension results in secondary organ damageand a reduced life span, it should be evaluated fully and when appropiate,treated
Adverse reaction - Drugs
1. Oral contraceptives
2. Sympathomimetics
3. Clonidine withdrawal
4. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors with sympathomimetics
5. Tricyclic antidepressants with sympathomimetics
6. Corticosteroids
8. Phenybutazone
17. Thromboembolism ( 1182 )
Embolism - sudden interruption of the blood supply to all or a portion of an extremity results in a septrum of symptoms and signs which dependent upon on the location and extent of the occlusion and immediately available collateral circulation. The major causes of acute arterial occuclion are emboism, thrombosis, and injury
Adverse reaction - Drug ( 388 )
1. Oral contraceptives
18. Murmur (997)
Cardiac murmurs result from vibrations set up in the blood stream and the surrounding heart and great vessels as a result of turbulent blood flow, the formation of eddies, and cavitation ( bubble formation as a result of sudden decrease in pressure )
Patient Information: